Your customized spraying execution plan across thousands of acres.
DriftSense is a technology platform for optimizing spraying execution.
Leveraging multidisciplinary scientific expertise, our platform provides growers with their ultimate cost-effective spraying execution plan, to apply their choices of agro-inputs, with their preferred gear, plot-by-plot, across thousands of acres.
We do the science so growers can simply execute their best spraying execution plan for optimal results and maximum cost effectiveness at scale.

We’re all paying the price of imprecise spraying.
Agro-inputs are necessary for the successful growth of the crops upon which we all depend for our nourishment. But when their application is conducted through an approximated process, the results are poor and the implications are grave.
annual US damage to growers, agriculture, humans & environment
increase in regulation/ compliance costs in US over 12 years
increase in amount of herbicides used during last 15 years due to efficacy decline
increase in herbicide cost during last two years
of sprayed pesticides don’t reach their target
tedious years in average from discovery to market, for new pesticides
Imprecise spraying leads to:
High concentration

Beyond the macro health and food security implications for us all, this severe reality threatens the businesses of growers and the companies who serve them, in an industry notorious for its volatility even in the best of times.
Growers struggle with the immense burden of the skyrocketing costs of inputs – a full 3X increase over the 20 past years. And as regulation spreads across regions, in many areas growers are also going to become increasingly more subject to the challenges of meeting regulatory requirements.
Growers’ service providers such as Pest Control Advisors (PCAs) and AgChem companies operate in a competitive market in which input performance failure can lead to client turnover, reputational damage and regulatory liability.
We’d all benefit greatly from much more precise application of agro-inputs such that the intended substances go directly where they’re needed, when they’re needed.
How can they do so within their reality of juggling the immense task of managing thousands of differential acres, substances and means of dispersion, not to mention differing conditions?
How can growers obtain such precision?
Your customized spraying execution plan across thousands of acres.

Leveraging multidisciplinary scientific expertise, our platform provides growers with their ultimate cost-effective spraying execution plan, to apply their choices of agro-inputs, with their preferred gear, plot-by-plot across thousands of acres.
This software-only solution leverages advanced data science to calculate the full range of factors impacting spray results, distilling a wealth of variables into one cost effective spraying execution plan. Discovering the ultimate plan for spray execution across growers’ entire acreage is a game changer for yield and cost-effectiveness, as well as environment protection.
Apply pesticides at the ultimate moment.
We’ve done all the math, all you have to do is click.
Rapid ROI
Purely software
Spray smart, not hard – try DriftSense today!
DriftSense offers the first agro-input-driven strategy, leveraging advanced data science to calculate the comprehensive range of factors impacting spray results:
Input: A wealth of variables
DriftSense’s platform analyzes not only all relevant meteorology, but also the chemical properties and regulatory data pertaining to the grower’s choice of agro-inputs, as well as their specific spraying gear with its implications for dispersion.

Analysis: Proprietary Algorithms in Service of Growers
Output: Each grower’s customized spraying execution plan. Built for scale.
This deep science is conducted behind the scenes, so growers receive a simple, user-friendly interface helping them simplify one of their most strategic decisions – how to execute their spraying plan across their thousands of acres– for exceptionally better results.

Spray Factors Calculated
Chemical Properties
Pesticide & Geo Specific Regulatory Data
Spraying Gear
DriftSense’s B2B SaaS offers per acre/crop/year plans, increasing the bottom line, reducing cost of doing business and goods, uniquely customized to clients’ needs.
Unique Advantages
- Cut expenses on pesticides
- 100% Cloud-based solution – no hardware, installation or maintenance
- Very simple to use
- Slow resistance in fields
- Avoid off-label spraying, litigation & regulatory issues; better compliance
- Ultimate synergy between advisor’s expert knowledge and platform’s proprietary data and calculations, no more regulatory/compliance headaches – it’s all pre-included
- Precise predictive planning capacity for clients
- Easy UX vis-à-vis clients including reports and graphic data to simplify recommendations
DriftSense holds the potential to an immense impact on growers’ profitability and environmental safety, benefitting us all
in comparison to hardware solutions
validation hours of spraying applications in 11 countries across U.S., LatAm, and EU
more coverage
less drift
A software only (SaaS) scalable solution, no-brainer implementation
DriftSense’s platform has been validated via 15 case studies and with +350 US stakeholders across industry, government, academia and community and is conducting strategic partnerships with the world`s leading agrochemical companies, and agribusinesses.
With the support of multiple Israel Innovation Authority grants, backed by leading VCs, DriftSense’s platform has been tested by independent experts with commercial pilots in the US, LatAm, and EU, demonstrating significantly higher precision: more coverage, less drift.